Tom Grennan
What Ifs & Maybes
Creative Direction

4th Floor are really proud to have worked so closely with Tom Grennan and his team to create the stunning dreamscape artwork that brings his second Number 1 album ‘What Ifs & Maybes’ to life! The team produced the stunning album artwork as well as single artwork for hit records ‘Remind Me’, ‘Here’, ‘All These Nights’ and ‘How Does It Feel?’
Tom was really involved in the creative process, with the idea to reflect his growth from an angsty young man to someone who finds love and fulfilment, using colourful, uplifting and dreamy imagery.
Creative Director – Joanna Weir
Creative Direction and Design – Luke Brickett
Photography – Frank Fieber
BTS & Motion – Reuben Bastienne, Chris Chance & Laurence Warder
Production – Mimi Oliver & Beth Morrison
Styling – Gary Armstrong
Grooming – Cinta London
Set Design – Phoebe Shakespeare

'Here' Artwork

'All These Nights' Artwork

'How Does It Feel' Artwork

'Remind Me' Artwork